Saturday, January 31, 2015

1/23/15: 1 week old and family visits!

January 23, 2015

Look at this little, wrinkly old man:

Today Pop Pop, Grandma, Aunt Shari, and Cousins Yoey and Ozzy came over for Zane's ceremonial bris tomorrow. I think Yoey was the most excited as he really loves babies!

Big sister Samara started showing more interest in Zane as well. She wants to hold him a lot more now.

Wednesday, January 28, 2015

1/22/15: Sleepy baby pics and Aunty Sarah visits

January 22, 2015

The first night home Seth and I tried to put Zane and Samara in the same room. That was a huge mistake as Samara really resented Zane and Zane was way hungry and didn't want to sleep very much. Right now, Zane sleeps best in his borrowed Rock 'n Play (thanks, Suzanne!) that is right next to our bed. See how cozy he looks:

Like all babies, Zane sleeps well snuggled in someone's arms. Here is a pic of Seth holding Zane before Zane passed out in a nap:

Later that afternoon, Aunty Sarah came over to meet Zane. Aunty Sarah really enjoyed holding and loving Zane!

And here is one last sleepy baby (and Daddy) pic.

Thursday, January 22, 2015

1/20/15: Chillaxin'

January 20, 2015

During the day, Zane is the perfect baby. He wakes up, eats, gets his diaper changed, eats some more, falls asleep, and then the cycle continues. It is at night that he turns into a more challenging version of himself where he wants to do nothing but eat and not go to sleep. Many times, Seth manages to sleep through the crying, even though it is happening 2 feet away from him. To be fair, Seth has gotten up and bounced/rocked the kid back to sleep, but Zane doesn't stay down long.

Here is sleepy, daytime Zane (his head looks way bigger than it actually is):

Wednesday, January 21, 2015

1/18/15: Going home

January 18, 2015

Our stay at the hospital this time around was much more enjoyable: the delivery was easier, I was in much less pain, ALL of the nurses were great and attentive, and Seth and I didn't feel like we had no idea what we were doing. Zane, however, was the only tricky part of our stay as he was super hungry and I couldn't keep up with his appetite. Despite his weight dropping to 6 lbs 4 oz, he wasn't really jaundiced. He looked so tiny in his clothes and car seat!

Saturday, January 17, 2015

1/17/15: I am clean!

January 17, 2015

Zane is doing well! He had a nice bath last night and is looking more handsome by the minute. He has been pretty sleepy but is already a champ at eating. We love him already!

1/16/15: Zane Solomon is born!

January 16, 2015

Zane Solomon Berman was born at 5:12 pm weighing 6 pounds 10 oz! It was a quick and easy delivery, and everyone is doing well!