Wednesday, May 27, 2015

3/7/15: Trip to the ER

March 7, 2015

Early this morning Zane felt really warm and had a 103 temperature, which resulted in a 2 am trip to the ER. The doctor looked in his ears and told me that he probably has an ear infection and they didn't need to do a lumbar puncture, but they still needed to take blood and urine samples and take chest X-rays.

Here is Zane bundled up in blankets fresh from the warmer, waiting for samples to be taken.

It was really hard to watch his blood being taken as they had to try more than one spot to get enough for testing. The rest of the tests went smoothly. Here is Zane all conked out while we wait for the results.

Around 5:30 am the doctor told us everything was negative, so we could go home and start antibiotics. I put Zane down when I got home, then shortly after Samara woke up. No rest for the weary today!