Friday, July 31, 2015

3/30/15: Hair! part II

March 30, 2015

Here are a couple of pictures taken solely for the purpose of documenting Zane's adorably fuzzy hair.

Thursday, July 30, 2015

3/28/15: I am 10 weeks old!

March 28 , 2015

Zane is 10 weeks old! He is doing some tummy time sporting some awesome hair.

Thursday, July 23, 2015

3/26/15: Scratchy face

March 26, 2015

I hate clipping baby nails. I usually wait until they start scratching me, then I reluctantly trim them all the while being nervous that I am going to draw blood. When I saw Zane this morning I realized I had to cut his nails IMMEDIATELY. Look at his poor face.

It looks like he is dealing with it pretty well.

I also noticed he has a new upper lip sucking habit. You can see him do it twice in the video below. You will also see me trying to tickle Zane because, if he is in the right mood, he will do a cute little giggle. It sort of worked.

Tuesday, July 21, 2015

3/25/15: Sneezes and smiles

March 25, 2015

Lately, I feel as if Zane and I are communicating and having a conversation. I ask him questions and he coos back in response. I caught an example of this, but it gets interrupted by some cute sneezing and smiles.

I managed to capture the tail end of another cute Zane smile, but then he got so excited he wiggled a bit in my hands, surprising himself.

3/24/15: On the move and batting at toys

March 24, 2015

Zane has always liked "launching" himself. Whenever his feet touch something, he tries to push off of it. He will push against my belly or my legs when I am playing with him on the floor, and sometimes he will push himself forward when he is on the Boppy. I am thinking he might be an early crawler ever since I saw him do this:

Now that Zane is almost 2.5 months old, he has started showing some genuine interest in toys. Here he is again on the playmat trying to grab the toys.

3/23/15: Coos and smiles

March 23, 2015

I have been enjoying lots of coos and little smiles from Zane. I try to capture them whenever possible so I can always remember how cute they are.

3/22/15: Chillin' with Daddy (and sticking my tongue out)

March 22, 2015

Zane and Seth had some cute bonding time today. There were lots of hugs, snuggles, and funny faces!

Later on, Zane decided to do his best impression of a lizard.

3/20/15: I am 9 weeks old!

March 20, 2015

Zane is 9 weeks old today! I decided to commemorate this milestone with a picture series. Here are more funny faces that Zane has been making (all with awesome hair):

3/18/15: Hair!

March 18, 2015

Zane was doing some tummy time after a bath, when I realized he had the most amazing hairdo going on!

Ain't no nap that is going to crush this awesome 'do.

3/17/15: Cranky old man

March 17, 2015

Zane isn't the greatest sleeper, so when it is 3:15 in the morning and he falls asleep on my lap it is both cute and annoying. Cute because, well this:

But annoying because as soon as I try to move him to his crib he will wake up and require lots of bouncing to maybe go back to sleep.

Zane has also been more expressive with his face - usually he makes (cute) cranky old man faces.

Saturday, July 11, 2015

3/15/15: Little smiles and the mobile

March 15, 2015

Zane hangs out in the Boppy once I am done feeding him. Samara is usually around,  either playing with toys or being jealous. Today she is doing the former and making lots of noises in the process. In the video below, Zane is reacting to the noises or Samara if he isn't making cute eye contact with me. I love his wide eyed startles and his cute little tongue that he sticks out every now and then. A smile appears around 0:12.

I also stuck Zane in his crib and put the mobile on. I don't think he is ever going to love it as much as Samara did (even as early as one month).

Wednesday, July 8, 2015

3/14/15: Adorableness

March 14, 2015

Look at this ridiculous amount of cuteness that happened at bedtime.

Monday, July 6, 2015

3/12/15: I am 8 weeks old!

March 12, 2015

Zane is 8 weeks old today! He definitely kicks and moves his body a lot more while listening to the mobile, although he still is not super interested in it.

Saturday, July 4, 2015

3/11/15: Happy baby

March 11, 2015

Zane is noticeably more happy than Samara was. He smiles more often than Samara ever did. However, maybe that is a result of having a more relaxed Mommy?

3/10/15: Baby wearing

March 10, 2015

I never really wore Samara in any sort of wrap when she was a newborn. We have a Baby Bjorn, but she didn't like being in that until she could face out and see the world. Knowing that Samara would probably demand lots of attention, I got a Baby K'Tan to wear Zane so I could have my hands free. I never really got the hang of it and only used it a handful of times. Here is the one time that I not only used it, but got Zane to fall asleep in it.