Wednesday, August 5, 2015

4/10/15: I am 12 weeks old!

April 10, 2015

I can't believe I have spent 12 weeks with this cutie:

I wished Zane a happy 12 weeks, and he responded with smiles and laughs. I guess he has enjoyed his 12 weeks with me as well.

Zane has always had really strong legs that he uses to launch himself whenever they touch something. Because he is still swaddled, I am afraid he is going to fall out of the Rock and Play. He has also been a really, really bad sleeper. He is growing out of the Miracle Blanket, and I want him to learn how to sleep in his crib. So I decided I was going to take him out of the swaddle and put him in the crib at the same time, seeing as his sleep is so terrible anyway that it really can't get much worse. Well, it did. I originally used the sleep sacks that Samara used with no problem very early own. Zane's startle reflex still wakes him up, so I bought this ridiculous Sleep Suit that he looks hilarious in.

The Merlin Suit wasn't "Magic," in the sense that he immediately started sleeping more, but I definitely believe that it helped.

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